D. Computational Aspects
Dynamics and Algorithms
- Prof. Eusebius Doedel
Key note speaker
- Dr. John Guckenheimer
- Computing Periodic Orbits of Vector Fields
Invited speakers
- Prof. Dr. Klaus W.A. Böhmer
- Convergence .. for bifurcation numerics in real life
- Koen Engelborghs
- Numerical bifurcation analysis of delay equations
- Dr. Cornelia Franke
- Numerical Investigation of Periodic Solutions of Multibody Systems
- Dr. Johannes Schropp
- Ordinary differential equations, Differential-algebraic equations and their use in Optimization
- Prof. Dr. Ruediger Seydel
- A Domain on Bifurcation
Contributed talks
- Pablo S. Casas
- A numerical method for computing unstable quasiperiodic solutions for the 2-D Poiseuille flow.
- Prof. Jorge Galan-Vioque
- Numerical Continuation of Periodic Orbits in Symmetric Hamiltonian systems
- Oliver Junge
- Rigorous discretization of subdivision techniques
- Dr. Hinke Osinga
- Two-dimensional global manifolds of vector fields
- Ricardo Riaza
- Strong Singularities and the Continuous Newton Method
Aug 07 1999