Nonlinear Dynamics at the Free University Berlin

Summer 2008

Seminar Dynamics of cosmological models

Dr. Stefan Liebscher, Prof. Dr. Bernold Fiedler

Schedule, Summer 2008

Thursday, 10.15-12.00, Arnimallee 7, Room 140

Donnerstag, 17.4.2008, 10:15, Arnimallee 7, Raum 140


We are interested in cosmological models of Bianchi type (Class A and B). We will first review and then go beyond the current knowledge of these models. The aim is an improved description of the dynamical properties of Bianchi models.


  • J. Wainwright, G. Ellis, editors: Dynamical systems in cosmology, Cambridge University Press, 2005
  • H. Ringström: The Bianchi IX attractor, J. Ann. Henri Poincare 2, No.3, 405-500 (2001), preprint at arXiv:gr-qc/0006035


Studierende ab dem 5. Semester


Dynamische Systeme oder Partielle Differentialgeichungen

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