Sommersemester 2002
Oberseminar Nonlinear Dynamics
16.04.2002 |
Prof. Dr. Björn Schmalfuß (FH Merseburg) |
Invariant Manifolds for Random Dynamical Systems |
23.04.2002 |
Prof. Nikolaj Nefedov (Moscow) |
Reaction-diffusion systems with balanced nonlinearity |
30.04.2002 |
Dr. Andreas Amann (TU Berlin) |
Efficient time-delayed feedback control using
spatio-temporal Floquet eigenmodes |
07.05.2002 |
Dr. Oleg Sten'kin (London) |
Conservative and nonconservative dynamics in
reversible maps with homoclinic tangencies |
14.05.2002 |
Dr. Andrey Shilnikov (Atlanta) |
Curious effects in slow-fast flows and maps |
21.05.2002 |
Dr. Dmitry Turaev (WIAS Berlin) |
Richness of chaos in area-preserving two-dimensional maps |
28.05.2002 |
Dr. Bas Lemmens (Eurandom, Eindhoven) |
Periods of periodic points of nonexpansive maps |
04.06.2002 |
Dr. M. Zaks (HU Berlin) |
Delayed bifurcations and slow-fast dynamics in weakly
desynchronized chaotic oscillators |
11.06.2002 |
Dr. Nils Ackermann (Uni Giessen) |
Multiple Equilibria in Superlinear Parabolic Problems |
18.06.2002 |
Dr. Sergey Gonchenko (Nizhny Novgorod) |
On dynamics of multidimensional diffeomorphisms in
the Newhouse regions |
Dr. Laurent Gosse (Bari, Italien) |
Well-balanced schemes for discrete kinetic models in
the diffusive limit |
02.07.2002 |
Dr. Jörg Härterich (FU Berlin) |
Semidiscretization and Exponential Dichotomies |
09.07.2002 |
Dr. Nickolaj Kuznetsov (Sankt-Peterburg) |
Stability by first approximation for discrete systems |
Time and Place:
Talks usually take place on Tuesday at 3:15 p.m.
at the Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik
Erhard-Schmidt-Hörsaal (ground floor), Mohrenstraße 39, D-10117 Berlin.
Tea and coffee will be served at 2:45 p.m. on the ground floor.
Guests are always welcome !