Nonlinear Dynamics at the Free University Berlin

Wintersemester 2002/2003

Oberseminar Nonlinear Dynamics




Oct 15 2002 Dr. Katrin Gelfert
(Max-Planck-Institut Dresden)
Diffusion approximation for the slow motion in a deterministic multi-scale system
Dr. Astrid Huber
(Technische Universität Wien)
Laser: Dynamik auf verschiedenen Zeitskalen im Yamada-Modell
Prof. Dr. Boris Hasselblatt
(Tufts University, Medford)
Hausdorffdimension hyperbolischer Mengen als Summe derer von stabilen und instabilen Schnitten
Oct 22 2002 Prof. Dr. Carlos Rocha
(Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
Morse-Smale Flows and Order Preserving Semigroups
Oct 29 2002 Dr. Jürgen Knobloch
(Technische Universität Ilmenau)
Lin's method and applications
Nov 5 2002 PD Dr. Volker Reitmann
(Max-Planck-Institut Dresden)
Attractor crises and dynamic buckling of elastic plates
Nov 12 2002 Prof. Dr. Alexander Skubachevskiy
(Moscow State Aviation Institute)
Functional differential equations with partial derivatives and applications
Nov 19 2002 Workshop Dynamics and Control at WIAS Berlin
Nov 26 2002 Frederic Laurent-Polz
(Institut Non Linéaire de Nice)
Dynamics of N point vortices on a sphere
Dec 3 2002 Dr. Genevieve Raugel
(Universite de Paris-Sud)
The one-dimensionnal damped wave equation: Analyticity and finite number of determining nodes.
Dec 10 2002 Prof. Dr. Leonid Shilnikov
(Nizhny Novgorod, Russland)
Bifurcations of attractors
Dec 17 2002 Prof. Dr. Arnd Scheel
(University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
Defects in oscillatory media - towards a classification
Jan 14 2003 Dr. Holger Stephan
(WIAS Berlin)
General Fokker-Planck Equations and their asymptotic behavior
Jan 21 2003 Prof. Dr. Stephan van Gils
(University of Twente)
Travelling waves in a singularly perturbed sine-Gordon equation
Jan 28 2003 No regular talk, 2-City Geometry Seminar
Feb 4 2003 Prof. Dr. Igor Chuechov
(Kharkiv National University, Ukraine)
Long-time behaviour of solutions to contact parabolic problems in two-layer thin domains

Time and Place:

Talks usually take place on Tuesday at 2:15 p.m.
at the Free University Berlin, Department of Mathematics/Computer science
in room 108/109, Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin.

Tea and coffee will be served at 2:00 p.m. on the ground floor.
Guests are always welcome !


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