Nonlinear Dynamics at the Free University Berlin

Summer 2015

Oberseminar Nonlinear Dynamics



April 14, 2015 SFB 647
April 21, 2015 CANCELLED
April 28, 2015 CANCELLED
May 5, 2015 CANCELLED
May 12, 2015 SFB 647
May 19, 2015 CANCELLED
May 26, 2015 CANCELLED
June 2, 2015 CANCELLED
June 9, 2015 SFB 647
June 16, 2015 CANCELLED
June 23, 2015 CANCELLED
June 30, 2015 CANCELLED
July 7, 2015 SFB 647
July 14, 2015 Prof. Georgi Medvedev
(Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA/US)
Coupled Dynamical Systems on Large Graphs and Graph Limits
The continuum limit is an approximate procedure, by which coupled dynamical systems on large graphs are replaced by an evolution integral equation on a continuous spatial domain. This approach has been instrumental for studying dynamics of diverse networks throughout physics and biology.
We use the combination of ideas and results from the theories of graph limits and nonlinear evolution equations to develop a rigorous justification for using the continuum limit in a variety of dynamical models on deterministic, random, and quasirandom graphs. As an application, we discuss stability of spatial patterns in the Kuramoto mofdel on certain Caley and random graphs.

Time and Place

Talks usually take place on Tuesday at 3:15 p.m.
at the Free University Berlin
Arnimallee 3 (rear building), room 130.

Tea/coffee at 2:45 p.m.
Arnimallee 3 (front building), room 006.
Guests are always welcome !


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