Nonlinear Dynamics at the Free University Berlin

Dr. Marc Georgi

Research interests

  • Spiralwellen
  • Dynamik in Lattices


Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Mathematik I
Arnimallee 2-6
D - 14195 Berlin
Office 139
Phone + 49 - 30 - 838 75355
E-mail georgi at
(replace the "at" by a @)



Preprints and Publications

Marc Georgi:
Spiralwellen in Reaktions-Diffusions-Systemen - Das reduzierte Vektorfeld.
Diplomarbeit, Freie Universität Berlin, 2004.
(postscript, 1.1 MB)     (pdf, 1.1 MB)
Marc Georgi, Nihar Jangle:
Spiral wave motion in reaction-diffusion systems
Proceedings Equadiff 2003, World Scientific 2005, p.651-656.
Marc Georgi:
Exponential Dichotomies and Transversal Homoclinic Points in Functional Differential Equations of Mixed Type
Preprint, Freie Universität Berlin, 2006.
(Abstract + Introduction, postscript)     (Abstract + Introduction, pdf)
B. Fiedler, E. Schöll, M.Georgi, P. Hövel, V. Flunkert :
Refuting the odd number limitation of time-delayed feedback control
Physical Review Letters, (accepted), 2007.
Marc Georgi:
Structural Stability of Travelling Waves in an Integrodifferential Equation
Dynamical Systems 23, pp. 109-135, 2008.
(Preprint, PDF)
Marc Georgi:
Homoclinic Solutions and Hopf Bifurcations in Functional Differential Equations of Mixed Type
Royal Society of Edingburgh, Section A, accepted, 2007.
(Preprint, PDF)
B. Fiedler, M. Georgi, N. Jangle:
Spiral Wave Dynamics: Reaction and Diffusion versus Kinematics
Analysis and control of complex nonlinear processes in physics, chemistry and biology, World Scientific 2007
Marc Georgi:
Zentrumsmannigfaltigkeiten und Verzweigungen in Forward-Backward-Delay Gleichungen
Doktorarbeit, Freie Universität Berlin, 2007.
Marc Georgi:
The shape of profiles exhibiting blow up in forward and backward time
Preprint, Freie Universität Berlin, 2007.
(Preprint, Postscript)     (Preprint, PDF)
Marc Georgi:
Bifurcations from localized steady states to generalized breather solutions in the Klein-Gordon lattice
Int. J. of Dyn. Syst. and Diff. Eq., accepted
Marc Georgi:
Bifurcations from homoclinic orbits to non-hyperbolic equilibria in reversible lattice differential equations
Nonlinearity 21, pp. 735-763, 2008.
(Preprint, PDF)
Marc Georgi
Dynamical behaviour near solitary waves in Hamiltonian lattice differential equations
Preprint, 2008.
Marc Georgi, A. Jukes, J. Lamb, K. Webster
Homoclinic period blow-up and the detection of multipulse solutions in lattice differential equations
(Preprint, PDF)
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